North Eastern Scotland

NUTS region UKM5

These pages list farm subsidy payments made in UKM5 - North Eastern Scotland as published directly by the government of UK or sourced via freedom of information requests.

Please note: This data is based on geocoding of recipient addresses which may be incomplete or inaccurate. There can exist more recipients in this region as listed here.

Top recipients in UKM5 - North Eastern Scotland (2021 - 2022)
Sub regions
Total amount
872,786,694.48 €≈ 872.79 million Euro

Due to legal reasons detailed payment data is only visible for the last two years (2021 - 2022).

Login to view the full dataset
Total amount
≈ 872.79 million Euro
received all recipients in UKM5 - North Eastern Scotland from 2013 to 2022 is a project by FragDenStaat, the central contact for all questions relating to freedom of information in Germany.

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