
II.7 - Voluntary coupled support – Title IV, Chapter 1

The support targets specific sectors and productions. Member States may decide to use up to 8% (by derogation up to 13% or more upon Commission's approval) of their national ceiling for direct payments, + 2% for support to protein crops, for financing coupled support to sectors or regions where specific types of farming or specific agricultural sectors that are particularly important for economic, social or environmental reasons undergo certain difficulties.

Due to legal reasons detailed payment data is only visible for the last two years (2022 - 2023).

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Total amount
≈ 12.98 billion Euro
received all recipients from 2016 to 2022 within the scheme II.7 - Voluntary coupled support – Title IV, Chapter 1 is a project by FragDenStaat, the central contact for all questions relating to freedom of information in Germany.

The project is supported by Arena for journalism in Europe

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