II.6 - Payment for young farmers – Title III, Chapter 5
Payment for young farmers is a decoupled area payment granted on top of the basic payment to young farmers (of no more than 40 years of age who are setting up for the first time an agricultural holding as head of the holding, or who have already set up such a holding during the five years preceding the first application to the scheme). This payment is compulsory for Member States and up to 2% of the national ceiling set out in Annex II can be used to finance the payment. A young farmer can receive such payment for a maximum period of five years following the setting up. It is for Member States to decide on the calculation method applied for this payment and depending on that choice the payment for young farmers is granted either as a per hectare top-up or as a lump sum per holding.
Due to legal reasons detailed payment data is only visible for the last two years (2022 - 2023).
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