
I.7 - Specific support – Title III, Chapter 5

Member States may grant specific support to farmers for: 1) specific types of farming which are important for the protection or enhancement of the environment, 2) improving the quality of agricultural products, 3) improving the marketing of agricultural products, 4) practicing enhanced animal welfare standards, 5) specific agricultural activities entailing additional agri-environment benefits, 6) to address specific disadvantages in the dairy, beef and veal, sheep meat and goat meat and rice sectors in certain areas or for specific types of farming, 7) in areas subject to restructuring and or development programmes, 8) in the form of contributions to crop and plant insurance premiums, 9) by way of mutual funds for animal and plant diseases or environmental incidents. They may use up to 10% (3.5% in the case of coupled payments) of their national ceiling for financing that support.

Due to legal reasons detailed payment data is only visible for the last two years (2021 - 2022).

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Total amount
≈ 4.05 billion Euro
received all recipients from 2014 to 2022 within the scheme I.7 - Specific support – Title III, Chapter 5 is a project by FragDenStaat, the central contact for all questions relating to freedom of information in Germany.

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